Faculty Publications | Faculty Scholarship | Marquette University Law School

Publications from 2009


Family Law for the Underclass: Underscoring Law's Ideological Function, David Ray Papke
(42 Indiana Law Review 583 (2009))


Keeping the Underclass In Its Place: Zoning, the Poor, and Residential Segregation, David Ray Papke
(41 Urban Lawyer 787 (2009))


Bargaining in the Shadow of (International) Law: What the Normalization of Adjudication in International Governance Regimes Means for Dispute Resolution, Andrea K. Schneider
(41 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 789 (2009))


International Media and Conflict Resolution: Making the Connection, Andrea Kupfer Schneider
(93 Marquette Law Review 1 (2009))


The Intersection of Dispute Systems Design and Transitional Justice, Andrea Kupfer Schneider
(14 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 289 (2009))


Is Federal Court Oversight of the Arizona ELL Public School Program No Longer Necessary?, Paul M. Secunda
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 430 (2009))


Blogging While (Publicly) Employed: Some First Amendment Implications, Paul M. Secunda
(47 University of Louisville Law Review 679 (2009))


Sorry, No Remedy: Intersectionality and the Grand Irony of ERISA, Paul M. Secunda
(61 Hastings Law Journal 131 (2009))


Did Congress Limit the Appellate Court's Discretion to Stay an Alien's Removal from the United States Pending Appeal?, Jessica E. Slavin
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 266 (2009))


Did Congress Strip the Federal Circuit Courts of the Power to Review Denials of Motions to Reopen Immigration Proceedings?, Jessica E. Slavin
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 91 (2009))


Was a Lawful Permanent Resident Deprived of Effective Assistance of Counsel?, Jessica E. Slavin
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 24 (2009))


Age Discrimination in the Delivery of Health Care Services to Our Elders, Phoebe Weaver Williams
(11 Marquette Elder's Advisor 1 (2009))

Publications from 2008


A Historical Review of Title IX Litigation, Paul M. Anderson and Barbara Osborne
(18 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 127 (2008))


The Economic Loss Doctrine: Distinguishing Economic Loss From Non-Economic Loss, Ralph C. Anzivino
(91 Marquette Law Review 1081 (2008))


From the Editor: Introduction to the Kindness of Strangers, Alison Barnes
(10 Marquette Elder's Advisor 1 (2008))


Dispelling Grammar Myths: 'To Split' or 'Not to Split' the Infinitive, Rebecca K. Blemberg
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Dec. 2008, at 37)


What If, After All, Trademarks Were ‘Traded in Gross’?, Irene Calboli
(2008 Michigan State Law Review 345)


Neighborhoods Healed Through Restorative Justice, Janine P. Geske and India McCanse
(Dispute Resolution Magazine, Fall 2008, at 16)


Does the FAA Preempt California's Authority to Determine the Validity of a Performer's Personal Management Contract?, Jay E. Grenig
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 180 (2008))


May a Prevailing Party be Awarded “Attorney Fees” for Paralegal Services?, Jay E. Grenig
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 262 (2008))


May a State Legislature Prohibit State Political Subdivisions from Making Payroll Deductions for Political Activities?, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 113 (2008))


When Can a Collective Bargaining Agreement Waive Union Members' Rights to a Judicial Forum?, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 152 (2008))


When Do Federal Courts Have Jurisdiction to Review Petitions to Compel Arbitration?, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 37 (2008))


When May a Government Challenge a Decision That an Action Can Proceed In Its Absence?, Jay E. Grenig
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 267 (2008))


The Rhetoric of Self-Defense, Janine Young Kim
(13 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 261 (2008))


A Triple Play for the Public Domain: Delaware Lottery to Motorola to C.B.C., Matthew J. Mitten
(11 Chapman Law Review 569 (2008))


Athlete Eligibility Requirements and Legal Protection of Sports Participation Opportunities, Matthew J. Mitten and Timothy Davis
(8 Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law Journal 71 (2008))


Does the Patent Exhaustion Doctrine Apply When the Patentee Placed Express Conditions on the Subsequent Sale or License of a Patented Article?, Kali Murray
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 171 (2008))


First Things, First: A Principled Approach to Patent Administrative Law, Kali Murray
(42 John Marshall Law Review 29 (2008))


Guidelines Simplification: Still an Urgent Priority Post-Booker, Michael M. O'Hear
(20 Federal Sentencing Reporter 347 (2008))


Perpetual Panic, Michael M. O'Hear
(21 Federal Sentencing Reporter 69 (2008))


Plea Bargaining and Procedural Justice, Michael M. O'Hear
(42 Georgia Law Review 407 (2008))


Yes to Nondiscrimination, No to New Forms of Criminal Liability: A Reply to Professors Collins, Leib, and Markel, Michael M. O'Hear
(88 Boston University Law Review 1437 (2008))


Writing, Cognition, and the Nature of the Judicial Function, Chad M. Oldfather
(96 Georgetown Law Journal 1283 (2008))


The Name Is the Same, But the Facts Have Been Changed To Protect the Attorneys: Strickland, Judicial Discretion, and Appellate Decision-Making, Gregory J. O'Meara
(42 Valparaiso University Law Review 687 (2008))


Civic Republicanism, Public Choice Theory, and Neighborhood Councils: A New Model for Civic Engagement, Matthew J. Parlow
(79 University of Colorado Law Review 137 (2008))


Greenwashed?: Developers, Environmental Consciousness, and the Case of Playa Vista, Matthew J. Parlow
(35 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 513 (2008))


Progressive Policy-Making on the Local Level: Rethinking Traditional Notions of Federalism, Matthew J. Parlow
(17 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 371 (2008))


A Tribute to William P. Murphy: Labor Law Trailblazer and Man of Unflinching Principle, Paul M. Secunda
(77 Mississippi Law Journal 951 (2008))


Garcetti's Impact on the First Amendment Speech Rights of Federal Employees, Paul M. Secunda
(7 First Amendment Law Review 117 (2008))


Mediating the Special Education Front Lines in Mississippi, Paul M. Secunda
(76 UMKC Law Review 823 (2008).)


Tales of a Law Professor Lateral Nothing, Paul M. Secunda
(39 University of Memphis Law Review 125 (2008))


“The Longest Journey, With a First Step” : Bringing Coherence to Sovereignty and Jurisdictional Issues in Global Employee Benefits Law, Paul M. Secunda
(19 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 107 (2008))


The Many Mendelsohn ‘Me Too’ Missteps: An Alliterative Response to Professor Rubenstein, Paul M. Secunda
(102 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 374 (2008))


Toward the Viability of State-Based Legislation to Address Workplace Captive Audience Meetings in the United States, Paul M. Secunda
(29 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 209 (2008))


Whither the Pickering Rights of Federal Employees?, Paul M. Secunda
(79 University of Colorado Law Review 1101 (2008))

Publications from 2007


Entertainment Law in the State of Wisconsin, Paul M. Anderson
(17 Marquette Sports Law Review 519 (2007))


The Fraud in the Inducement Exception to the Economic Loss Doctrine, Ralph C. Anzivino
(90 Marquette Law Review 921 (2007))


Long Term Care in the Political Balance, Alison Barnes
(9 Marquette Elder's Advisor 1 (2007))


Book Review: Judge for Yourself: Clarity, Choice, and Action in Your Legal Career, Rebecca K. Blemberg
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Feb. 2007, at 21)


Ethical Firewalls, Limited Admissibility, and Rule 703, Daniel D. Blinka
(76 Fordham Law Review 1229 (2007))


The Sunset of “Quality Control” in Modern Trademark Licensing, Irene Calboli
(57 American University Law Review 341 (2007))


Are Regulations Exempting Certain Home Health Care Attendants from Wage and Hour Laws Enforceable?, Jay E. Grenig
(34 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 382 (2007))


May Nonlawyer Parents Litigate IDEA Cases In Federal Court on Behalf of Their Children?, Jay E. Grenig
(34 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 255 (2007))


May the Parties to an Arbitration Agreement Agree That a Court May Modify the Award Because of Legal or Factual Error?, Jay E. Grenig
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 81 (2007))


To What Extent Can a State Consider Federal Impact Aid When Distributing State Educational Aid?, Jay E. Grenig
(34 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 189 (2007))


When Does the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Permit Tuition Reimbursement?, Jay E. Grenig
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 8 (2007))


Director Compliance with Elusive Fiduciary Duties in a Climate of Corporate Governance Reform, Nadelle Grossman
(12 Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 393 (2007))


The Underlying Causes of Divergent First Amendment Interpretations, Scott C. Idleman
(27 Mississippi College Law Review 67 (2007))


Rule and Exception in Criminal Law (Or, Are Criminal Defenses Necessary?), Janine Young Kim
(82 Tulane Law Review 247 (2007))


The Four Faces of Tort Law: Liability for Emotional Harm, John J. Kircher
(90 Marquette Law Review 789 (2007))


Judging Ziervogel: The Twisted Path of Recent Zoning Variance Decisions in Wisconsin, Alan R. Madry
(91 Marquette Law Review 485 (2007))


Forward: Reappraising the Wisconsin Constitution, Michael K. McChrystal
(90 Marquette Law Review 407 (2007))


Plea Bargaining and Victims: From Consultation to Guidelines, Michael M. O'Hear
(91 Marquette Law Review 323 (2007))


Response, What’s Good About Trials?, Michael M. O'Hear
(156 University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra 209 (2007))


The Second Chance Act and the Future of Reentry Reform, Michael M. O'Hear
(20 Federal Sentencing Reporter 75 (2007))


Introduction: Dispute Resolution in Criminal Law, Michael M. O'Hear and Andrea Kupfer Schneider
(91 Marquette Law Review 1 (2007))


Heuristics, Biases, and Criminal Defendants, Chad M. Oldfather
(91 Marquette Law Review 249 (2007))


Judges as Humans: Interdisciplinary Research and the Problems of Institutional Design, Chad M. Oldfather
(36 Hofstra Law Review 125 (2007))


12 Angry Men Is Not an Archetype: Reflections on the Jury in Contemporary Popular Culture, David Ray Papke
(82 Chicago-Kent Law Review 735 (2007).)


The Impact of Popular Culture on American Perceptions of the Courts, David Ray Papke
(82 Indiana Law Journal 1225 (2007))


A Localist's Case for Decentralizing Immigration Policy, Matthew Parlow
(84 Denver University Law Review 1061 (2007))


Cooperating or Caving in: Are Defense Attorneys Shrewd or Exploited in Plea Bargaining Negotiations?, Andrea Kupfer Schneider
(91 Marquette Law Review 145 (2007))


The Solomon Amendment, Expressive Associations, and Public Employment, Paul M. Secunda
(54 UCLA Law Review 1767 (2007))


Can an EEOC Intake Questionnaire Constitute a Charge of Discrimination Under the Age Discrimination In Employment Act?, Paul M. Secunda and McCann LeFeve
(35 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 56 (2007))


Imagining the Law-Trained Reader: The Faulty Description of the Audience in Legal Writing Textbooks, Jessica E. Slavin
(16 Widener Law Journal 983 (2007))

Publications from 2006


A Place on the Team: The Triumph and Tragedy of Title IX, A Review Essay, Paul M. Anderson
(16 Marquette Sports Law Review 461 (2006))


Ethics, Evidence, and the Modern Adversary Trial, Daniel D. Blinka
(19 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1 (2006))


Expert Testimony and the Relevancy Rule in the Age of Daubert, Daniel D. Blinka
(90 Marquette Law Review 173 (2006))


Expanding the Protection of Geographical Indications of Origin Under TRIPS: “Old” Debate or “New” Opportunity?, Irene Calboli
(10 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 181 (2006))


Free Shoes for Primary and Secondary Schools: Playing by the Rules of Title IX, Patricia A. Cervenka
(17 Marquette Sports Law Review 285 (2006))


One Judge's Journey, Janine P. Geske
(8 Journal of Appellate Practice & Process 253 (2006))


Frivolous Sanction Law in Wisconsin, Janine P. Geske and William C. Gleisner III
(Wisconsin Lawyer, February 2006, at 16)


Are Courts Authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities Act to Award Expert Fees to Prevailing Parents?, Jay E. Grenig
(2005-06 Term Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 382 (2006))


When Does the Emergency Aid Exception Permit an Officer's Warrantless Entry of a Home?, Jay E. Grenig
(2005-06 Term Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 404 (2006))


Who Is an "Original Source" Under the False Claims Act?, Jay E. Grenig
(34 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 159 (2006))


The Major League Baseball Players Association and the Ownership of Sports Statistics: The Untold Story of Round One, J. Gordon Hylton
(17 Marquette Sports Law Review 87 (2006))


Private Conscience, Public Duties: The Unavoidable Conflicts Facing a Catholic Justice, Scott C. Idleman
(4 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 312 (2006))


Hate Crime Law and the Limits of Inculpation, Janine Young Kim
(84 Nebraska Law Review 846 (2006))


Tax Planning for Retirement, Vada Waters Lindsey
(8 Marquette Elder's Advisor 31 (2006))


Keeping Peace in the Family While You Are Resting in Peace: Making Sense of and Presenting Will Contests, Judith G. McMullen
(8 Marquette Elder's Advisor 61 (2006))


Underage Drinking: Does Current Policy Make Sense?, Judith G. McMullen
(10 Lewis & Clark Law Review 333 (2006))


Of Gardens and Streets: A Differentiated Model of Property in International and National Space Law, Kali Murray
(32 Journal of Space Law 361 (2006))


Rules for Radicals: A Politics of Patent Law, Kali Murray
(14 Journal of Intellectual Property Law 63 (2006))


Criminal Violations of Environmental Laws: Model Sentencing Guidelines §2E1, Michael M. O'Hear
(18 Federal Sentencing Reporter 341 (2006))


Cunningham: Why Federal Practitioners and Policy Makers Should Pay Attention, Michael M. O'Hear
(18 Federal Sentencing Reporter 260 (2006))


Faith, Justice, and the Teaching of Criminal Procedure, Michael M. O'Hear
(90 Marquette Law Review 87 (2006))


Punishment, Democracy and Victims, Michael M. O'Hear
(19 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1 (2006))


The Duty to Avoid Disparity: Implementing 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(6) After Booker, Michael M. O'Hear
(37 McGeorge Law Review 627 (2006))


The Original Intent of Uniformity in Federal Sentencing, Michael M. O'Hear
(74 University of Cincinnati Law Review 749 (2006))