Publications from 2012
Becoming "Investor-State Mediation", Andrea K. Schneider and Nancy A. Welsh
(1 Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs 86 (2012))
Privatizing Workplace Privacy, Paul M. Secunda
(88 Notre Dame Law Review 277 (2012))
The Future of NLRB Doctrine on Captive Audience Speeches, Paul M. Secunda
(87 Indiana Law Journal 123 (2012))
The Wisconsin Public-Sector Labor Dispute of 2011, Paul M. Secunda
(27 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 293 (2012))
Publications from 2011
Sonic Bust: Trying to Retain Major League Franchises in Challenging Financial Times, Paul M. Anderson and W. S. Miller
(21 J of Legal Aspects of Sport 117 (2011))
The Daubert Standard in Wisconsin: A Primer, Daniel D. Blinka
(Wisconsin Lawyer, March 2011, at 14)
Games and Other Uncopyrightable Systems, Bruce E. Boyden
(18 George Mason Law Review 439 (2011))
Market Integration and (the Limits of) the First Sale Rule in North American and European Trademark Law, Irene Calboli
(51 Santa Clara Law Review 1241 (2011))
The Case for a Limited Protection of Trademark Merchandising, Irene Calboli
(2011 University of Illinois Law Review 865 (2011))
Library without Walls - A Year Later, Patricia A. Cervenka
(21 Trends in Law Library Management & Technology 31 (2011))
Wisconsin Supreme Court and Legislative History, Patricia A. Cervenka
(30 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 141 (2011))
Funding Stem Cell Research: The Convergence of Science, Religion & Politics in the Formation of Public Health Policy, Edward A. Fallone
(12 Marquette Elder's Advisor 247 (2011))
Panning for Gold: Social Networking’s Impact on E-Discovery, Jay E. Grenig, Richard J. Sankovitz, and William C. Gleisner III
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Feb. 2011, at 12)
The Over-Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Sport in the United States and Elsewhere, J. Gordon Hylton
(21 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 43 (2011))
Brutal Choices in Curricular Design … Going Live: The Pros and Cons of Live Critiques, Alison E. Julien
(20 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 20 (2011))
Private Rights in Public Lands: The Chicago Lakefront, Montgomery Ward, and the Public Dedication Doctrine, Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill
(105 Northwestern University Law Review 1417 (2011))
Sheep in Wolves' Clothing: Removing Parens Patriae Suits Under the Class Action Fairness Act, Alexander Lemann
(111 Columbia Law Review 121 (2011))
Alimony: What Social Science and Popular Culture Tell Us About Women, Guilt, and Spousal Support After Divorce, Judith G. McMullen
(19 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 41 (2011))
A Review of Post-PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin Legal Developments Regarding the Participation Rights of Disabled Athletes, Matthew J. Mitten
(4 Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 101 (2011))
Changing Conceptions of Water in the Law, Kali Murray
(95 Marquette Law Review 1 (2011))
Is Actual Knowledge of a Patent Necessary to Actively Induce Its Infringement?, Kali Murray
(38 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 207 (2011))
Dynamic Patent Governance in Europe and the United States: The Myriad Example, Kali Murray and Esther van Zimmeren
(19 Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law 287 (2011))
Beyond Rehabilitation: A New Theory of Indeterminate Sentencing, Michael M. O'Hear
(48 American Criminal Law Review 1247 (2011))
Mandatory Minimums: Don't Give Up on the Court, Michael M. O'Hear
(2011 Cardozo Law Review de novo 67)
The Prospect of Open Deliberations in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Chad M. Oldfather
(95 Judicature 94 (2011))
Till Death Do Us Part: Chief Justices and the United States Supreme Court, Todd C. Peppers and Chad M. Oldfather
(95 Marquette Law Review 709 (2011))
There’s No Place Like Home: Applying Dispute Systems Design Theory to Create a Foreclosure Mediation System, Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Natalie C. Fleury
(11 Nevada Law Journal 368 (2011))
Constitutional Contracts Clause Challenges in Public Pension Litigation, Paul M. Secunda
(28 Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 263 (2011))
Foreward: Lessons from Other Countries: Comparative Pension Law, Paul M. Secunda
(33 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 1 (2011))
Neoformalism and the Reemergence of the Right-Privilege Distinction in Public Employment Law, Paul M. Secunda
(48 San Diego Law Review 907 (2011))
Promoting Employee Voice in the New American Economy, Paul M. Secunda
(94 Marquette Law Review 757 (2011))
The Forgotten Employee Benefit Crisis: Multiemployer Benefit Plans on the Brink, Paul M. Secunda
(21 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 77 (2011))
Wisconsin's Antitrust Law: Outsourcing the Legal Standard, Michael P. Waxman
(94 Marquette Law Review 1173 (2011))
Publications from 2010
2009 Annual Survey: Recent Developments in Sports Law, Paul M. Anderson
(20 Marquette Sports Law Review 498 (2010))
Foreward: The National Sports Law Institute’s Sports Law Alumni Association, Paul M. Anderson
(21 Marquette Sports Law Review 1 (2010))
The False Dilemma of the Economic Loss Doctrine, Ralph A. Anzivino
(93 Marquette Law Review 1121 (2010))
Does the "Bona Fide" Error Defense of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Include Mistakes of Law?, Ralph C. Anzivino
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 184 (2010))
Drafting Restrictive Covenants in Employment Contracts, Ralph C. Anzivino
(94 Marquette Law Review 499 (2010))
Prevention Paradigms, Over-Diagnosis and Treatment, and Mad Men, Alison Barnes
(12 Marquette Elder's Advisor 1 (2010))
Book Review: Raise the Bar: Real World Solutions for a Troubled Profession, Rebecca K. Blemberg
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Oct. 2010, at 27)
Why Modern Evidence Law Lacks Credibility, Daniel D. Blinka
(58 Buffalo Law Review 357 (2010))
Constitutional Safety Valve: The Privileges or Immunities Clause and Status Regimes in a Federalist System, Bruce E. Boyden
(62 Alabama Law Review 111 (2010))
If you Speak Up, Must you Stand Down: Caperton and Its Limits, Richard M. Esenberg
(45 Wake Forest Law Review 1287 (2010))
The Lonely Death of Public Campaign Financing, Richard M. Esenberg
(33 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 283 (2010))
Charters, Compacts, and Tea Parties: The Decline and Resurrection of a Delegation View of the Constitution, Edward A. Fallone
(45 Wake Forest Law Review 1067 (2010))
Can an Arbitrator Be Given the Authority to Decide Whether an Agreement to Arbitrate is Enforceable?, Jay E. Grenig
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 306 (2010) )
Turning a Short-Term Fling into a Long-Term Commitment: Board Duties in a New Era, Nadelle Grossman
(43 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 905 (2010))
Foreword: Laying the Foundation (Legacies of Lincoln Symposium), Joseph D. Kearney
(93 Marquette Law Review 1257 (2010))
The Domestication of International Criminal Law: A Proposal for Expanding the International Criminal Court’s Sphere of Influence, Lisa J. Laplante
(43 John Marshall Law Review 635 (2010))
Encouraging Savings Under the Earned Income Tax Credit: A Nudge in the Right Direction, Vada Waters Lindsey
(44 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 83 (2010))
Pro Se Trends and Divorce in Wisconsin, Judith G. McMullen
(Wisconsin Lawyer, June 2010, at 14)
Why Do We Need a Lawyer?: An Empirical Study of Divorce Cases, Judith G. McMullen and Debra Oswald
(12 Journal of Law & Family Studies 57 (2010))
Targeted Reform of Commercialized Intercollegiate Athletics, Matthew J. Mitten, James L. Musselman, and Bruce W. Burton
(47 San Diego Law Review 779 (2010))
“Sports Law”: Implications for the Development of International, Comparative, and National Law and Global Dispute Resolution, Matthew J. Mitten and Hayden Opie
(85 Tulane Law Review 269 (2010))
Can a Copyright Owner Prevent the Sale of an Item, Made Abroad, but Then Imported into the United States?, Kali Murray
(38 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 76 (2010))
Appellate Review of Sentences: Reconsidering Deference, Michael M. O'Hear
(52 William & Mary Law Review 2123 (2010))
The Beginning of the End for Life Without Parole?, Michael M. O'Hear
(23 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1 (2010))
Error Correction, Chad M. Oldfather
(85 Indiana Law Journal 49 (2010))
Oral History and the Study of the Judiciary, Chad M. Oldfather
(78 George Washington Law Review 846 (2010))
Compassion and the Public Interest: Wisconsin’s New Compassionate Release Legislation, Gregory J. O'Meara
(23 Federal Sentencing Reporter 33 (2010))
Professional Sports League Commissioners’ Authority and Collective Bargaining, Matthew J. Parlow
(11 Texas Review of Entertainment and Sports Law 179 (2010))
Revolutions in Local Democracy? Neighborhood Councils and Broadening Inclusion in the Local Political Process, Matthew J. Parlow
(16 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 81 (2010))
The NBA and the Great Recession: Implications for the Upcoming Collective Bargaining Agreement Renegotiation, Matthew J. Parlow
(6 DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems 195 (2010))
What Travels: Teaching Gender in Cross Cultural Negotiation Classrooms, Andrea K. Schneider, Sandra Cheldelin, and Deborah Kolb
(31 Hamline Journal of Public Law & Policy 531 (2010))
Likeability v. Competence: The Impossible Choice Faced by Female Politicians, Attenuated by Lawyers, Andrea K. Schneider, Catherine H. Tinsley, Sandra Cheldelin, and Emily T. Amanatullah
(17 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 363 (2010))
Addressing Political Captive Audience Workplace Meetings in the Post-Citizens United Environment, Paul M. Secunda
(120 Yale Law Journal Online 17 (2010))
Book Review: Regoverning the Workplace: From Self-Regulation to Co-Regulation, Paul M. Secunda
(64 Industrial and Labor Relations Review 203 (2010))
Cultural Cognition at Work, Paul M. Secunda
(38 Florida State University Law Review 107 (2010))
The Contemporary “Fist Inside the Velvet Glove”: Employer Captive Audience Meetings Under the NLRA, Paul M. Secunda
(5 Florida International University Law Review 385 (2010))
May State Law Take Away an Employer’s Right to Do Business in the State as a Penalty for Employing Unauthorized Aliens, When Federal Law Handles Such Violations Differently?, Jessica E. Slavin and Alyssa Johnson
(38 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 121 (2010))
Publications from 2009
The Disappointed Expectations Test and the Economic Loss Doctrine, Ralph C. Anzivino
(92 Marquette Law Review 749 (2009))
Freedom of Contract and Fundamental Fairness for Individual Parties: The Tug of War Continues, Carolyn Edwards
(77 UMKC Law Review 647 (2009))
Must God Be Dead or Irrelevant: Drawing a Circle That Lets Me In, Richard M. Esenberg
(18 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1 (2009))
Regulating Wisconsin-Based Businesses: The Wisconsin Uniform Securities Act, Edward A. Fallone
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Oct. 2009, at 16)
Can Arbitrators Order Class Arbitration if the Arbitration Clause in a Maritime Agreement is Silent on the Issue?, Jay E. Grenig
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 133 (2009))
Does the Mobile-Sierra Doctrine Apply When a Contract is Challenged by a Noncontracting Third Party?, Jay E. Grenig
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 112 (2009))
Forest Grove: Parents of Special Needs Students May Be Reimbursed for Private School Tuition, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 466 (2009))
What Appeals are Permitted by Section 16(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Arbitration Act?, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 313 (2009))
When is a Student Entitled to Be Reimbursed for the Cost of Private School Tuition?, Jay E. Grenig
(36 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 393 (2009))
When May a Court Set Aside a National Railroad Adjustment Board Decision on Due Process Grounds?, Jay E. Grenig
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 57 (2009))
A Matter of Context: Social Framework Evidence in Employment Discrimination Class Actions, Melissa Hart and Paul M. Secunda
(78 Fordham Law Review 37 (2009))
Conciseness in Legal Writing, Lisa Mazzie Hatlen
(Wisconsin Lawyer, June 2009, at 21)
The Perils of Popularity: David Josiah Brewer and the Politics of Judicial Reputation, J. Gordon Hylton
(62 Vanderbilt Law Review 567 (2009))
Off-Court Misbehavior: Sports Leagues and Private Punishment, Janine Young Kim and Matthew J. Parlow
(99 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 573 (2009))
Outlawing Amnesty: The Return of Criminal Justice in Transitional Justice Schemes, Lisa J. Laplante
(49 Virginia Journal of International Law 915 (2009))
Mediating Post-Conflict Dialogue: The Media's Role in Transitional Justice Processes, Lisa J. Laplante and Kelly Phenicie
(93 Marquette Law Review 251 (2009))
Be Wise: Revise, Lisa A. Mazzie
(Wisconsin Lawyer, Aug. 2009, at 31)
Judicial Review of Olympic and International Sports Arbitration Awards: Trends and Observations, Matthew J. Mitten
(10 Pepperdine Dispute Reolution Law Journal 51 (2009))
Rules Limiting Athletic Performance or Prohibiting Athletic Participation for Health Reasons: Legal and Ethical Considerations, Matthew J. Mitten
(2 Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 99 (2009))
Commercialized Intercollegiate Athletics: A Proposal for Targeted Reform Consistent with American Cultural Forces and Marketplace Realities, Matthew J. Mitten, James L. Musselman, and Bruce W. Burton
(2 Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 202 (2009))
What Must an Inventor Show in Order to Demonstrate That His Method is Patentable?, Kali Murray
(37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 108 (2009))
Rethinking Patent Fraud Enforcement in a Reform Era, Kali Murray and Dmitriy Vinarov
(13 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 263 (2009))
Appellate Review of Sentence Explanations: Learning from the Wisconsin and Federal Experiences, Michael M. O'Hear
(93 Marquette Law Review 751 (2009))
Bark and Bite: The Environmental Sentencing Guidelines After Booker, Michael M. O'Hear
(2009 Utah Law Review 1151)
Explaining Sentences, Michael M. O'Hear
(36 Florida State University Law Review 459 (2009))
Rethinking Drug Courts: Restorative Justice as a Response to Racial Injustice, Michael M. O'Hear
(20 Stanford Law & Policy Review 463 (2009))
Universal De Novo Review, Chad M. Oldfather
(77 George Washington Law Review 308 (2009))
Criminal Appeals: Past, Present, and Future, Chad M. Oldfather and Michael M. O'Hear
(93 Marquette Law Review 339 (2009))
He Speaks Not, Yet He Says Everything; What of That?: Text, Context, and Pretext in State v. Jeffrey Dahmer, Gregory J. O'Meara S.J.
(87 Denver University Law Review 97 (2009))
"You Can't Get There From Here?": Ineffective Assistance Claims in Federal Circuit Courts After AEDPA, Gregory J. O'Meara S.J.
(93 Marquette Law Review 545 (2009))