Volume 32, Issue 2 (2022) Spring
Prefatory Matter
Labor & Employment Law Guidance for Professional Sports Teams
Christopher R. Deubert
The Ethics of Sign Stealing in College Football
Joshua D. Winneker and Ian Silfies
Think Like Adidas: A Quantitative Analysis of Adidas' Trademark Protection Strategies
Katie M. Brown and Natasha T. Brison
Bosman and Beyond: How a Court Decision a Quarter Century Ago Impacted Football On and Off the Pitch
James J. Wold
It's (Not) All Par for the Course: An In-Depth Analysis of the PGA's Controversial Nonprofit Status
Laurel C. Montag
Pros and Kahns: The Proper Coach Liability Standard for Athlete Injuries in Collegiate Athletics
Mark R. Hamilton Jr.
We've Got Spirit, But Now We Want Rights Too!
Sara A. Thurber
Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals
Abby R. Glaus