Volume 25, Issue 1 (2014) Symposium: Sports Law: Marquette University Law School Faculty Perspectives
Prefatory Matter
Crowdfunding and Sport: How Soon Until the Fans Own the Franchise?
Edward A. Fallone
The Disappearance of a Dinosaur: Reassignment Clauses are Losing Their Footing in College Coaches' Contracts
Martin J. Greenberg and Brandon Leibsohn
What is the NBA?
Nadelle Grossman
Michael Sam and the NFL Locker Room: How Masculinities Theory Explains the Way We View Gay Athletes
Lisa A. Mazzie
No Hiding the Ball: Medical Privacy and Pro Sports
Michael K. McChrystal
Addressing Abusive Conduct in Youth Sports
Judith G. McMullen
Seventh Circuit and Wisconsin Sports Law Jurisprudence
Matthew J. Mitten
Of Umpires, Judges, and Metaphors: Adjudication in Aesthetic Sports and Its Implications for Law
Chad M. Oldfather
International Perspective
The Transgender Student-Athlete: Is There a Fourteenth Amendment Right to Participate on the Gender-Specific Team of Your Choice?
Krista D. Brown
Your Coach is Watching: Can a High School Regulate its Student-Athletes' Use of Social Media?
Lauren E. Rosenbaum
Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals
Krista D. Brown