Volume 22, Issue 2 (2012) Spring
Symposium Issue: Title IX at FortyPrefatory Matter
Title IX at Forty: An Introduction and Historical Review of Forty Legal Developments that Shaped Gender Equity Law
Paul M. Anderson
Equality Beyond the Three-Part Test: Exploring and Explaining the Invisibility of Title IX's Equal Treatment Requirement
Erin E. Buzuvis and Kristine E. Newhall
"A Radical Proposal": Title IX Has No Place in College Sport Pay-For-Play Discussions
Ellen J. Staurowsky
More of the Same - Enough Already!
Cynthia Lee A. Pemberton
Consent Theory as a Possible Cure for Unconscionable Terms in Student-Athlete Contracts
Thomas A. Baker III, John Grady, and Jesse M. Rappole
Special Features
Avoiding the Sack: How Nebraska's Departure from the Big 12 Changed College Football and What Athletic Conferences Must Do to Prevent Defection in the Future
Benjamin I. Leibovitz
Book Review
Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals
Jeremy Daniel Heacox