Volume 19, Issue 1 (2008) Fall
Symposium Issue: Doping in Sports: Legal and Ethical IssuesPrefatory Matter
2008 Joseph E. O'Neill Award Acceptance Speech
Honorable Anne M. Burke
Federal Labor Law Obstacles to Achieving a Completely Independent Drug Program in Major League Baseball
Robert D. Manfred Jr.
Corruption: Its Impact on Fair Play
Richard H. McLaren
Dopers Are Not Duped: USADA's Assistance to Federal Prosecutions Ultimately Protecting Clean Athletes Is Not State Action
Sarah L. Horvitz, Travis Tygart, and Paul A. Turbow
Are We All Dopes? A Behavioral Law and Economics Approach to Legal Regulation of Doping in Sports
Shayna M. Sigman
The Immaculate Deception: How the Holy Grail of Protectionism Led to the Great Steroid Era
Eldon L. Ham
Which Washington: Constitutions in Conflict?
Jonathan F. Duncan and Kristina V. Giddings
The Body and the Law: How Physiological and Legal Obstacles Combine to Create Barriers to Accurate Drug Testing
Genevieve F.E. Birren and Jeremy C. Fransen
A Call for Drug-Testing of High School Student-Athletes
Scott A. Andresen
Book Review
Index: Sports Law
in Law Reviews
and Journals
Brian C. Hartley