Volume 12, Issue 2 (2002) Spring
Prefatory Matter
Shaking Up the Line-Up: Generating Principles for an Electrifying Economic Structure for Major League Baseball
Jason B. Myers
Marketing, Protection and Enforcement of NCAA Marks
Scott A. Bearby
The Game Behind the Games
Anne M. Wall
Me and Muhammad
Michael Meltsner
International Perspectives
Harmonization of Anti-Doping Code Through Arbitration: The Case Law of the Court of Arbitration for Sport
Frank Oschütz
Media Leagues: Australia Suggests New Professional Sports Leagues for the Twenty-First Century
James B. Perrine
Heading Down the Wrong Road?: Why Deregulating Amateurism May Cause Future Legal Problems for the NCAA
Benjamin A. Menzel
Stop the Presses! First Amendment Limitations of Professional Athletes' Publicity Rights
Erika T. Olander