Symposium: Judicial Assistants or Junior Judges: The Hiring, Utilization, and Influence of Law Clerks
Volume 98, Fall 2014 Masthead
Marquette Law Review
Prefatory Material
Volume 98, Fall 2014 Table of Contents
Marquette Law Review
Introduction: Judicial Assistants or Junior Judges: The Hiring, Utilization, and Influence of Law Clerks
Chad Oldfather and Todd C. Peppers
A Truth About Career Law Clerks
Joseph D. Kearney
Advice from the Bench (Memo): Clerk Influence on Supreme Court Oral Arguments
Timothy R. Johnson, David R. Stras, and Ryan C. Black
Law Clerks as Advisors: A Look at the Blackmun Papers
Zachary Wallander and Sara C. Benesh
Revisiting the Influence of Law Clerks on the U.S. Supreme Court's Agenda-Setting Process
Ryan C. Black, Christina L. Boyd, and Amanda C. Bryan
The Future of Federal Law Clerk Hiring
Aaron L. Nielson
Bonus Babies Escape Golden Handcuffs: How Money and Politics Has Transformed the Career Paths of Supreme Court Law Clerks
Artemus Ward, Christina Dwyer, and Kiranjit Gill
Taking a Dip in the Supreme Court Clerk Pool: Gender-Based Discrepancies in Clerk Selection
John J. Szmer, Erin B. Kaheny, and Robert K. Christensen
Fielding an Excellent Team: Law Clerk Selection and Chambers Structure at the U.S. Supreme Court
Christopher D. Kromphardt
Surgeons or Scribes? The Role of United States Court of Appeals Law Clerks in "Appellate Triage"
Todd C. Peppers, Micheal W. Giles, and Bridget Tainer-Parkins
Hiring Supreme Court Law Clerks: Probing the Ideological Linkage Between Judges and Justices
Lawrence Baum
Diversity and Supreme Court Law Clerks
Tony Mauro
Justice Brennan and His Law Clerks
Stephen Wermiel
Supreme Court Clerks as Judicial Actors and as Sources
Scott Armstrong
Panel Discussion: Judges' Perspectives on Law Clerk Hiring, Utilization, and Influence
David R. Stras, Diane S. Sykes, and James A. Wynn Jr.