Marquette Law Review | Journals | Marquette University Law School

Why Submit to Marquette Law Review?

The Marquette Law Review offers publishing authors a number of advantages--from acceptance to publication. First, we work with our authors to provide a rapid and transparent editing process. We promote articles extensively, both on the Law School's faculty blog and on the Law Review's redesigned web site, where beginning this fall we will post article abstracts well in advance of publication. We post all articles appearing in the Law Review to our web site in PDF form; thus, our articles also appear in standard Google searches. We also encourage wide distribution of articles and are flexible with respect to both SSRN posting and copyright agreements. Finally, we have a track record of on-time publication, so you can be confident that your article will appear when we promise.

How To Submit

The Marquette Law Review continually accepts submissions. Our editorial process focuses on the form of submission and leaves the substance and style to the authors. We closely examine the footnotes of our pieces to ensure that citations are in the correct format and that they accurately refer to an authority. In the text of an article, we make only minor modifications, if any, to enhance the readability of an article without altering an author's style.

Authors interested in making a submission, may mail them to:

Marquette Law Review
Eckstein Hall
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

Submissions may also be submitted electronically to: Marquette Law Review.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Senior Articles Editor at (414)288-5143.

Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Marquette Law Review provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).

Publication Agreement

Authors publishing articles in the Marquette Law Review agree to:

  1. Transfer and assign to the Marquette Law Review the right to reproduce and distribute the Article in the Law Review and on any website owned or controlled by the Law Review. This includes the right to authorize publication of the Article in the form of facsimile reprints, electronic media, computerized retrieval systems, and any other forms. These rights shall be exclusive for two years from the date of this agreement. In addition, the author(s) agree that any subsequent publication of the Article shall include notice of its prior publication in Marquette Law Review;
  2. Retain the copyright to the Article. The author(s) also retain the right to post the Article on any Internet or intranet sites on which the author(s) have effective control of the Article's posting, provided that such posting identifies the Article as published or forthcoming in Marquette Law Review. The author(s) agree that the Marquette Law Review may edit the Article prior to its publication, with notice to the author(s) of all edits, but the Article will be published only in a form acceptable to both the Marquette Law Review and the author(s);
  3. Affirm that to the best of the author's (or authors') knowledge the Article is not defamatory and does not infringe in any way the copyright of another party;
  4. Grant permission to the Marquette Law Review to authorize others to duplicate the Article for educational use, provided that (i) copies are distributed at or below cost; (ii) the author and the Marquette Law Review are identified; and (iii) proper notice of copyright is affixed to each copy.