Summer 1999
Competency, Coercion, and Risk of Violence: Legal Intersects with Fundamental Issues of Mental Health
Alison Barnes
Mental Health and the Law: Two Perspectives
Maxine Aldridge White
The MacArthur Risk Assessment Study: Implications for Practice, Research, and Policy
Kirk Heilbrun and Gretchen Witte
The MacArthur Coercion Studies: A Wisconsin Perspective
Darold A. Treffert M.D.
Foreign Legal Consultants in Wisconsin
Kenneth L. Port
Inequitable Conduct: Persistent Problems and Recommended Resolutions
Scott D. Anderson
The ERISA Preemption Question: Why Some HMO Members are Dying for Congress to Amend ERISA
Jane M. Mulcahy
Book Review: Fear of Judging: Sentencing Guidelines in the Federal Courts - Has Federal Sentencing Reform Failed?
Sara Beth Lewis
Cumulative Index: Volumes 78-82
Marquette University