Winter 1995: Symposium on Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
A Christian Law School: Images and Vision
Lynn R. Buzzard
The Reality of a Catholic Law School
Barbara Bader Aldave
The Idea of a Catholic University
Michael J. Perry
Accreditation and Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
Steven R. Smith
The Idea of a Catholic University: A Personal Perspective
Timothy O'Meara
Genesis of a Conference
Francis M. Lazarus
Why Does the Church Have Law Schools?
Thomas L. Shaffer
The Catholic Moment in Legal Education
Daniel J. Morrissey
A Jewish-Sponsored Law School: Its Purposes and Challenges
Howard A. Glickstein
The Ideal of a (Catholic) Law School
Christopher Wolfe
The Catholic Sponsorship of Legal Education: A Bibliography
William J. Wagner and Denise M. Ryan