1974 (Number 4)
Protection for Consumers Against Unfair and Deceptive Business Practices in Wisconsin
James D. Jeffries
Introduction: Symposium on Products Liability
James P. Maloney, James T. Murray Jr., Richard E. Byrne, and Donald A. Schoenfeld
What is or is not a Product Within the Meaning of Section 402A
James P. Maloney
The State of the Art Defense in Strict Products Liability
James T. Murray Jr.
Strict Liability and the Scientifically Unknowable Risk
Richard E. Byrne
Industry-Wide Joint Liability
Donald A. Schoenfeld
When a Dealer's Real Estate Sales May Qualify for Capital Gain Treatment Under Section 1221(1)
Martin J. Gregorcich
Table of Contents for Volume 57
Marquette University