November 1965
New Life Insurance Companies: Their Promotion and Regulation
Jon S. Hanson and Duncan R. Farney
Check Handling Under Article 4 of the Uniform Commerical Code
Fairfax Leary Jr.
Punitive Damages - A Critical Analysis: Kink v. Combs
David L. Walther and Thomas A. Plein
The Cy Pres Doctrine in Wisconsin
Lee J. Geronime
Need for Uniformity in Statute of Frauds and Suggested Remedy: Recoupment in Realty Transactions
Theodore S. Fins
Products Liability: Strict Liability in Tort: Defenses: Indemnity: Contribution
Thomas E. Obenberger
Taxation: Determination of Gross Income for Percentage Depletion Purposes
Thomas P. Guszkowski