Winter 1963-1964
The Regulation of Organizational and Recognitional Picketing Under Section 8(b)(7) of the National Labor Relations Act
Joseph R. Crowley
Termination of Inter Vivos Trusts Under State Law and the Internal Revenue Code Section 2038
Leo W. Leary
The Establishment Clause and "Coercion"
Robert G. Weclew
Bills and Notes: The Impact of the Setoff and Assignment Statute Upon Negotiable Instruments Law
Robert H. Bichler
Trade Regulations: Customer and Territorial Restrictions
Peter J. Lettenberger
Bankruptcy: The Encroachment of the Financial Responsibility Laws on the Policy of the Bankruptcy Act
John L. Reiter
Tort: Abolishment of Parental Immunity in Wisconsin
A. William Finke
Criminal Law: Conditional Pardoning of Undesirables
Robert A. Melin