December 1941
The Basic Ideas in the Philosophy of Law of St. Thomas Aquinas as Found in the "Summa Theologica"
Anton-Hermann Chroust and Frederick A. Collins Jr.
Editorial Board for Volume 26, Number 1
Marquette University
Does a Covenant to Stand Seized Require a Seal?
Erwin Esser Nemmers
The Concept of "Joint Enterprise" In Automobile Injury Cases
Vincent D. Hennessey Jr.
Automobiles: Liability of Parent Consenting to Child's Use of Car, for Injuries Caused: What Disobedience of Child to Parent's Directions Vitiates Consent
Robert S. Wrzesinski
Domestic Relations: Validity of Contract Releasing Husband of Duty to Support his Wife
Robert T. McGraw
Evidence: Use of Scientific Books Under the Hearsay Rule
Sydney R. Mertz
Insurance: Interpretation of "Riding or Driving" and Similar Words in Automobile Accident Insurance Policies
Philip W. Grossman Jr.
Suretyship: Effect on Surety Contract of Application of Funds Derived from Assured Contract to Other than Secured Debt
Raymond A. Huevler
Book Review: McCarty: Law Office Management
Paul Noelke
Book Review: Ash: How to Write a Tax Brief
Francis A. Darnieder