February 1932
Interpretation of Law
Gilbert E. Brach
The District Attorney as Criminologist
Edward L. Miloslavich
Editorial: Skeletons in the Legal Closet
Wilbur A. Schmidt
A Tribute (to Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Wilbur A. Schmidt
Notes of the Wisconsin Bar Association
Gilson G. Glasier
Divorce and Marriages - When May a Divorcee Remarry?
Nathan W. Heller
Wills - Under Influence
Gertrude Spracker
Constitutional Law - Citizens - Naturalization
M. Wesley Kuswa
Constitutional Law - Municipal Corporations - Eminent Domain
Charles A. Riedl
Domestic Relations - Quasi-Contracts - Infants
C. J. Schloemer
Insurance - Constitutional Law - Impairment
Benjamin Schwartz
Persons - Separate Maintenance - Insanity
Ambrose Newman
Pleading - Corporations - Dissolution
George J. Laikin
Property - Wills - Vested Interests
Charles M. Denissen
Book Review: Vold on Sales, by Lawrence Vold
J. Walter McKenna
Book Review: Legal Psychology, by Harold Ernest Burtt
Eugene H. Christman
Book Review: Progress of the Law in the U.S. Supreme Court, 1930-1931, by Gregory Hankin, and Charlotte A. Hankin
Reuben A. Gorsky
Book Review: What Price Jury Trials? by Irvin Stalmaster
Harry T. O'Connor
Book Review: Handbook of the Law of Domestic Relations, by Joseph Madden
Nathan Willis Heller