Content Posted in 2024
2023 Annual Survey: Recent Developments in Sports Law, Patrick K. Doll
A Brief Legal History of Wisconsin Conservation, Jason J. Czarnezki and Carolyn Drell
A Contemporary Analysis of the Competition Between Athlete-Agents in the NIL Era and a Proposed Amendment to the Sports Agent Responsibility and Trust Act (SPARTA), Austin Montbriand
Addressing Educational Inequality in the United States: A Comparative Approach to the European System, Yi-Sheng Liu
All Dogs are Emotional Support Animals: The Timely Need to Reconsider the Rights of Renters to Have Dogs Under the Fair Housing Act, Leigh Cummings
A Questionable Categorization — Trademark's Struggle to Protect Tribal Cultural Property, Emilie (Smith) Rohde
Are Collective Joint Employers of College Athletes? Empirical Analysis of NIL Deals and School Policies, Michael H. LeRoy
Armed and Under the Influence: The Second Amendment and the Intoxicant Rule After Bruen, F. Lee Francis
Boden Lecture: Of Chameleons and ESG, Ann M. Lipton
Can the Excessive Fines Clause Mitigate the LFO Crisis? An Assessment of the Caselaw, Michael M. O'Hear
Checkmate: Why the First Amendment Protects Prison Inmates' Right to Play Correspondence Chess Using Algebraic Notation, Eric T. Kasper
Duties Regarding Duties, Ronald J. Colombo
Emergent Works, Bruce E. Boyden
Fairness or Equality? Participation of Esports Players with Disabilities in Esports Competition, Tsubasa Shinohara
Forced Back Into the Lion's Mouth: Per Se Reporting Requirements in U.S. Asylum Law, Amelia S. McGowan
Governance of International Sports Federations Through the Lens of Global Administrative Law, Despina Mavromati
Hallows Lecture: Complexity and Contradiction in American Law, Gerard E. Lynch
How Remote Support Technology Can Alleviate the Caregiver Shortage, Thomas Tarver
How Reputational Nondisclosure Agreements Fail (Or, in Praise of Breach), Mark Fenster
How Victim Impact Statements Promote Justice: Evidence from the Content of Statements Delivered in Larry Nassar’s Sentencing, Paul G. Cassell and Edna Erez
Human Rights Concerns in Professional Tennis, Ilias Bantekas
Hurt, Hungry, and Handcuffed: How the Prison System Fails Pregnant Women and Their Newborns, Sarah B. Bondar
Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals, Patrick K. Doll
Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals, Patrick K. Doll
Innovator Ecosystem Diversity As A Global Competitiveness Imperative, Margo A. Bagley
Inviting the People Into People's Court: Embracing Non-Attorney Representation in Eviction Proceedings, Gregory Zlotnick
Keeping it Wreal: How The Eleventh Circuit's Wreal Decision Is Better Suited For A Uniform Reverse Confusion Multifactor Analysis, Sean J. Flaherty
Lawyers in the Baseball Hall of Fame, Christian H. Brill and Howard W. Brill
Lessons Learned Since Life on the Law Review, Cynthia M. Davis
Litigation Landmines: Exclusionary Zoning and Sober Living Homes, Rachel L. Andersen
Looking For Liability For Harmful Social Media Content And Cyberbullying After Gonzalez v. Google, LLC, Elizabeth M. Jaffe
Name, Image & Likeness: Three Words That Ended Amateurism Under the NCAA -- And the Unforeseen Tax Consequences, Alan Pogroszewski and Kari Smoker
Narrowing the Playing Field on NIL Collectives, Kathryn Kisska-Schulze
On the 175th Anniversary of the Wisconsin Constitution: An Examination of the Early Court “Repairs” of a Rushed Document, Steven M. Biskupic
On the Increased Prevalence of Buyouts in College Athletics, Joshua S. Lacoste
On the Legality of Defrauding the Public, Wes Henricksen
Parent Misconduct on the Sidelines: Who is Liable?, Abigail C. Barnett
Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection: The Urgent Need for Sixth Amendment Protections for Black Capital Defendants, Claire Austin
Redressing the Eurocentric Approach of the Court of Arbitration for Sports to Human Rights Law, Ariel Dulitzky
Rethinking College Football Grant of Rights Agreements, Drew Thornley and John T. Holden
Rights and Remedies: Rental Housing for Low-Income Households in the United States, David Ray Papke and Mary Elise Papke
Safeguarding Silence: The Weaponization of Nondisclosure Agreements and the Need for More Regulation, Johanna Shinners
Schrödinger’s Dissent: The Hybrid Authority of a Dissenting Opinion, Christina M. Frohock
Sexual Orientation at the Crossroads, Johan D. van der Vyver
Sovereign, Employer, Community: A Theory of Military Justice Beyond Discipline, Obedience, and Efficiency, Dan Maurer
Telecommuting and Workers' Compensation in Wisconsin: Adopting Standards for the Work-From-Home Revolution, Elliott J. Manuel
The Anticompetitive Nature of Certificate of Need and Certificate of Public Advantage Laws in the United States, Caleb Atkins
The Effects of Section 101's Subject Matter Eligibility Requirement on Fintech Patent Valuation Models, Fhernam Batiz
The Game, the Players, and the Board, Bruce E. Boyden
The Image and Likeness of Women: The Implications of Title IX in the NIL Era, Ana Apostoleris Rivera
The Sinister Truth of Mega-Sporting Event Preparations, Grace E. George
Volume 107, Summer 2024 Masthead
Volume 107, Winter 2023 Masthead
Volume 25, Spring 2024 Masthead
What are the Odds? A Comment on the Seminole Tribe of Florida's Ability to Hold Exclusive Gaming Rights in Florida, Samantha Rice
When to Leave the Stones Unturned: Using Proportionality to Navigate Discovery Efficiently, Effectively, and Ethically, Stephen L. Rispoli, James E. Wren, and Daniella McDonagh
Where to Turn? The Lack of Anti-Discriminatory Hiring Policies to Protect Minority Coaches in Collegiate Athletics, Madeline R. Farrell
Wii Need Clarity: A Proposed Federal Amendment to Trademark Confusion Tests Through the Lens of Esports and Electronic Word Marks, Patrick K. Doll
Willfully Forgetting Miranda's True Nature: Vega V. Tekoh Severs the Warnings Requirement From the Constitution, George M. Dery III
Wisconsin and the State of Dairy, Madison Bushman
Withdrawing Lanham Act Section 2(c) Consent: What Should Courts Do?, Zachary R. Semancik