Winter 1960-1961
Marquette Law Review: Issue 3
Marquette University
Criminal Misappropriations in Wisconsin: Part I
Gordon B. Baldwin
Administrative Procedure in Federal Tax Cases: Opportunities and Bramblebush
Richard D. Hobbet and J. Bruce Donaldson
Inventory Problems Under the Federal Income Tax
Richard J. Weber
Unfair Labor Practices: The Picketing Restrictions Imposed by the 1959 Taft-Hartley Amendments
James Arthur Kern
Torts-Negligence: Recovery for Traumatic Neurosis
Frederic N. Spidell
Practice: Option to Plantiff to Take Reasonable Verdict as Alternative to New Trial Excessive Damages
Joseph P. Jordan
Federal Income Taxation-Deductions: Corporate Expenditures not Incurred in Carrying on a Trade or Business
Paul Pakalski
The Elements of Law, by Thomas E. Davitt, S.J.
Edward McWhinney
Shareholder Liability Upon Voluntary Dissolution of Corporation
Adrian P. Schoone