Spring 1959
Relief From Ultra Vires Governmental Action
James Barclay Smith
Reptesentation in Net Worth Cases
Paul P. Lipton and Richard A. Petrie
Perpetuities in Private Trusts in Wisconsin
Eldred Dede
Editorial Board for Volume 42, Issue 4
Marquette University
Effect of Advertising on Manufacturer"s Liability to Ultimate Purchaser
Mary Alice Hohmann
State Expansion of Personal Jurisdiction Under the International Shoe and McGee Cases
Francis U. Seroogy
Federal Jurisdiction: Diversity of Citizenship: Substitution of Administrator Under Federal Rule 25 (a)
Gerald S. Walsh
Decedents' Estates: Liability for Payment of Joint Mortgage Debt as Between Estate of Deceased Co-Owner and Survivor
Reginald M. Hislop Jr.
Constitutional Law: Loyalty Oath: Tax Exemtpion
Maurice Garvey
Federal Criminal Procedure: Habeas Corpus: Disposition of Prisoner in State Custody After Finding Illegal Detention
Frank C. DeGuire
Federal Income Taxation: Depreciation Deduction: Useful Life and Salvage Value Under The Declining Balance Method
George J. Maly Jr.
Index to Volume 42
Marquette University